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2010要過去了,人人都說今年過得真快,在匆匆忙忙中我也留意到自己的轉變,有些轉變是朋友帶來機會的,例如住在紐約的朋友來郵:「各位,我生日了,請捐助Restore NYC,我的目標是24小時內籌到5000美元,這是一個志願組織,幫助國際間因為人口販賣而受害的婦女」。好像比任何東西都要緊,馬上從Pay Pal匯了錢過去,一天之後朋友說:「我知道我很幸福,因為我有些很好的朋友,現在更是明確地感受到,24小時間籌到比目標多一倍!謝謝你,感謝主!」





我不喜歡用現金,在國內消費最難適應就是數銀紙,有些紙幣真的很髒,廿年來早以習慣了信用卡付脹,而且效益比用現金大,由早年學懂善用積分,近年發現用信用卡也可以惠己及人。在這個聖誕購物的月份,Master Card推出「送愛萬事達活動」,整個12月和1月每次在香港和澳門簽賬,Master Card會向匡智會捐出港幣$10,以次數計,不是以簽賬額計,所以到超市買東西可以幫人,到名店掃貨一樣可以幫人。匡智會為約七千名不同年齡及智障程度的人士提供支援服務,跟慧妍雅集合作的花藝庇護工場則是學員製作產品,讓他們獲得融入社會的機會。



kiehls x jeff-koons

kiehls x jeff-koons

其實在聖誕期間不少商店都發揮慈善精神,以這一天我就到時代廣場對面的Khiel’s 買Jeff Koons 的「節日限量版經典潤膚乳」(Holiday Limited Edition Cream de Corps) ,它的100%收益是捐予「國際失蹤與受欺壓兒童中心」旗下的The Koons Family Institute籌款,然後用萬事達卡簽賬;再到時代廣場九樓的Pylones購物,它因為25周年的關係,將聖誕禮物包的10%收益捐給願望成真基金,又用萬事達卡簽賬,一個簡單的手勢,不單為自己補貨,朋友獲得精緻可愛的眉鉗、指甲鉗和熊仔環保袋,而且還讓患病兒童和智障人士得益,在聖誕燈飾中我沒有被消費氣氛衝昏頭腦,將每用的一分錢能發揮它的最大作用,這就是我的精打細算。畢竟聖誕的所謂普天同慶不是只有糜爛璀璨奢侈的一面,也有伸出援手能夠惠忌及人,幫助別人,我好你好他都好,這才是原有的基督精神。



1. Bossini送我肖像M& Ms, 我個仔天天都話要「吃掉媽咪」


2. Maria Luisa送我Natalia Brilli的能幹銀包,這是自1996年在巴黎收過第一隻Comme Des Garcons 能幹銀包後再見同類型的,Natalia的凸壓設計一流
3. 禮尚往來,我光顧Natalia的閃皮手鐲

Natalia Brilli能幹銀包

Natalia Brilli能幹銀包

Natalie Brille閃皮手鐲

Natalia Brilli閃皮手鐲

4. Chanel迷你掃套裝,近三年Chanel逢聖誕推出限量版化妝掃,去年的900多元,今年的$750,去年用簽名式的呢絨,今年用精緻金拉鏈,掃子比去年更實際,功能無重覆。


5. Chanel No. 5香梘――打開黑白盒子,一陣香氣撲面,嬌艷欲滴粉紅色,$395。其實用香皂沖涼的人不多,我反而將它們放在內衣抽屜和衣櫃中,香氣不比香薰劑遜色。


Chanel No. 5 Soap x 3

Chanel No. 5 Soap x 3

6. 連卡佛送來160周年聖誕特刊,我佔了一大版,印刷精美,跟靚人靚事放在一起,心曠神怡,喜歡她們稱我為 “Promoter of sophisticated Chinese Lifestyle”. 意外收獲是TK(Milk雜誌創辦人)談他的母親與童年,如何影響今天的創作

me :)

me 🙂


7. 朋友C送我喜歡飲的Ruinart 香檳,她認購了一箱Joyce 40 周年岳敏君特別版
8. 同日Joyce送來40 周年曾梵志特別版Absolute Vodka,一星期後倫敦的朋友話買不到 叫我幫幫忙,樂得借花敬佛

岳敏君Ruinart 香檳

岳敏君Ruinart 香檳

Joyce 40 周年周梵志特別版Absolute Vodka

Joyce 40 周年周梵志特別版Absolute Vodka

img_33911 9. Ralph Lauren送來刻有我名字的筆記簿,我是作家,筆記簿不嫌多


10. 買了兩袋Godiva送禮自用,埋單成$5000,雖然有特別版威士忌朱古力好味得叫我合上眼睛細味品嘗,都有點肉赤,但用Marstercard簽賬,想到有其它人得益,就不再赤了.

18 comments to 聖誕快樂

  • Alice

    Have a wonderful Xmas with your love n family….

  • aliendiva

    this is so you W, when I read the line ‘我是作家’
    yes you are 🙂

    merry xmas~

    Spread da luv 😉

  • Umumchum

    Hi W, this is one of my favorites pieces of yours, I can feel your heart in it. Have a warm peaceful Christmas, full of love !

  • Venus Chung

    I feel strongly to the entry.

    for the :「老了!我從來不會這樣看,最好年年不同,變完再變。」
    And your way of support to the meaningful courses by simply smart shopping. : )


    Although your job is closely linked to fashion products, which are mostly luxury goods, I never feel you are materialistic.
    Instead, you open my horizons to a quality life, and how do we appreciate the products, like seeing the concept behind.
    The readers, like me are very lucky that we have you working in the media, to share things worth concerning.

  • Venus Chung

    forgot forgot !!!

    Merry Christmas to you & your family.

    stay healthy and be happy~

  • Kinnijoe

    Happy Holiday Winifred,

    Love the pleasing favor of ur latest blog posted. It is so phyne and it tastes just good by adding a lil zest of festive TLC into it right on time.

    X’Mas not just the thoughts of your family and ur close friends. I am glad to read u pay an extra attention on helping others that are less foutunate. No matter donating a sub-($£}-tantial to good causes with gesture, or benefiting others in need from rolling the credit card with minimal spending @t ease. I acknowledge the importance of your messeage.

    Ur Chanel soaps might smell like heaven in ur wardrobe, but mind you the earthy aroma of my homemade X’Mas pudding seeps into my clothes in my suitcase, it def will not fade as fast as ur soaps. It has been packed inside since Sunday and I won’t get a flight to Hamburg until the following Friday due to the wrong kind of snow in the UK.

    Knowing you as a good friend for years, I have read millions of ur words as long as I am can get hold of. I am eagar to dig more from ur new book. Anymore studs for the comming season or get back to basic Tutti Frutti? It is time to get those sores to heal by taking lots of berries, bananas, melons etc.

    Best wises for the comming year

    More than just love KJ

  • 仲有IKEA的買毛公仔活動呀, 買一隻毛公仔, IKEA就會捐HKD 10幫助國內小朋友讀書, 我見到有d公仔係HKD 11.9, IKEA都會捐HKD 10, 真係好,真係大方! 祝大家聖誕快樂,身體健康!

  • 是誰說的,做女作家最緊要受得起被人誤解,這個我同意,但我說的是: 幹寫作的人最快樂就是被人明白,透過有限的文字,跟素未謀面的讀者連在一起。當然被誤解的時候比被明白的時候多,但每一次被別人說到心裡去,還是覺得我得到全世界最好的職業,謝謝你們。

  • Kelili


    I love what u wrote about “精打細算” – we have the same definition, which not too many ppl agree/ understand.

    It is not just about price and jet-so!

    Merry Christmas!


  • Yes, guess you have some Virgo dominance as well, bravo 精打細算! Merry X’mas girl!

  • Jonas


    Thanks to your constant inspiring messages. I always feel warm and peace in your blog. Wishing you and your readers a very happy holiday~


  • Mavis


    Thank you for sharing your insights,experiences and changes with us all these years. You are the most inspiring writer to me all the time. Love your words. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!

    Mavis *v*

  • Davina

    Other than the age factor, I think being a mother also helps one understands and experiences the joy of giving. You are spreading positive thinking through your powerful writing. Hope more people can feel your passion and walk the talk. Merry X’Mas to you and your boy. All the best in 2011!

  • Thank you Davina, MAvis, Jonas and all for your sweet comments. It’s good to have readers like old friends, always there and understand. I guess the joy of giving starts when you realise you ahve so much in life, you will just want to share and share alike. It’s my pleasure to share light and warmth and good energy!

  • rachel

    你的禮物好豐盛!i‘ve got a balenciaga fragrance,damn the obsession。。。。

  • ren

    likewise! i can totally relate to it – conscious about the consequences personal actions could bring to the society, environment and the world.

    can’t agree more with “the joy of giving starts when you realise you have so much in life, you will just want to share and share alike.”
    thanks for sharing good energy. keep it up!

    wish you and your loved ones love and peace.

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