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上星期天在家裡彈彈琴,拿出Freddie Mercury的《Bohemian Rhapsody》琴譜出來,彈著彈著,又拿了Queen的《Killer Live》的同一首曲出來對比,之後上YouTube找同一首曲的Live片段,不知不覺就click了年少不甚懂得欣賞Queen和David Bowie合作的《Under Pressure》,YouTube有一個版本是巧妙地將David Bowie跟Annie Lennox合唱的《Under Pressure》剪成好像跟Freddie Mercury合唱一樣的,巧奪天工,但見寶兒西裝亮麗,剪裁一點不過時,那頭金髮叫我有染金頭髮的衝動。

Queen + Bowie Underpressure Edit

於是像一條有機鐵路,帶我看了寶兒的多個MV,才發然我早就有齊他的MV,《Boys Keep Swinging》看完又看;就很想看他的電影,最就手的就是《Zoolander》的一場Walk Off,大衛寶兒請纓做評判,這是我和阿仔最愛用來送飯的經典場面。一向不大喜歡Ben Stiller,卻因為這齣電影,對他完全改觀,而且他把炮請來David Bowie客串,型到痺。兩年前Sidefame開Cocktail Elements店,請來米蘭的插畫師Ludovica,這位80年代打扮的十三點女郎,在雞尾酒會中慨嘆香港竟然沒有人看過《Zoolander》,我就說:「不可能啊,我就是個擁躉!」

Zoolander Walk off ( but in german context and music due to copyright infringement, cannot find original clip on youtube)
Boys keep swinging 1

(Bowie with all his theatricality, actually bridges rock n roll from Elvis Presley to New Romantics, so obvious in this song!)

<code>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uXsWCsCZf4 </code>
Boys keep swinging 2

電影中的Walk Off場面用了MJ的《Beat It》,動作也是十分MJ,很自然就拿了MJ的《Beat It》出來重溫,他的《History on Film Volume 2》是我最愛看的MJ DVD,雖然我不是他的準歌迷,但是我還是記得82、83年,沒有零用錢買太多的唱片,同學家中有齊MJ的《Thriller》、Japan的《Live On Canvas》,十分羨慕,那是黑膠的年代,一大隻紙套唱片拿在手中,分量十足,唱片就是在同學家裡聽的。



walk off那場是經典

walk off那場是經典


16 comments to Mercury-Bowie-MJ

  • Rubiya


  • Rubiya






  • iris


  • David Boey 係 Zoolander 又真係幾型, 請問Zoolander 的中文片名係乜野呀?

  • Zoolander 中文叫《非常索凸務》(幾廿百套類似的片名!)


  • how to upload / set the profile photo by the way.

  • i am thinking about it every now and then, but there are jobs that needs to show face every now and then, I am not sure if the clients are will be happy with that…but I think I would try

  • Jerome

    Wini you can always go for a darker colour if you don’t like your hair golden, or else try the wigs! haha..my silly thoughts

  • Dick Can Dance

    Dear Wini, keep it up and look forward to see how this blog will evolve…..

  • 我最爱他的内里透明T恤,外面白衬衫,白边黑裤 造型

  • avis

    我近來都聽queen, 另加oingo boingo

  • joel lo

    Bowie跟mick jagger這段好Zoolander的…..
    遇到任何不快事,一睇即笑! 萬試萬靈!


  • Jodymama

    Wow! David Bowie ,David Syvia(Japan) what a heat idol in 80’s,u bring me back many many memory of them, David Bowie (China Girl)( Merry x’mas Mr.Robinsin- I saw this movie 2 times(first concept of the other love – gay)Lucky me,I watch one time concert of DB at HK with my anut (I’m just only 12 or 13) still remember they pass a Huge Earth(balloon) in concert…do u remember YMO? great music, great culture from 80’s….u remind me I need to sharing with my little sons also, I don’t want they missed the great things…tks for yr sharing ^ ^

  • You were 12/13 when Bowie came to do Moonlight tour? I was 15!! ha! I remembered the next day was my history exam. Yeah, Merry X’mas Mr. LAwrence, YMO and I love Ruyichi Sakamoto !!! Share with your kids they will love it!!

  • Jodymama

    Ha! yes Mr Lawrence! still many fans in youtube,everytime heard the film music from Ruyichi Sakamoto will want to cry, I don’t know why…may be so sad right? I find some video DB in youtube still look great of age 60! Oh! now I knew how old u are ..but u also still look gorgeous….honestly I’m as a mother I seem u like superwoman(of course I knew abt u all from yr book “My fashion moments 87-07”, I knew u 20years in the pass) take care

  • Menty Chan

    MJ is a perfectionist, 亦是空前的一代show businessman的姣姣者, 不是貪靚去整容也么單簡的原因, 其實他連–個note, 一個舞蹈勳作都是力求完美的, 他說過, god, I got to be on stage! 一句話, 巳知道他做的一切, 都是為了令觀眾得到百分百享受與快樂

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