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Merry Christmas with Christ Consciousness

今年我的聖誕歌是樂隊Train的「Shake Up Christmas」,成為車上熱播。

I got dreams and I got love
I got my feet on the ground
And family above
Can you send some happiness
With my best to the rest
Of the people of the East and the West

“I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There’s just one thing I need”

是 可以好好地休息,享受一些quality me time。連續五年聖誕和新年都在工作中度過,並不是值得延續的現象。在iTunes上搜尋聖誕的人氣電影榜,發現經典叫價甚高,價值仍在,通常最新影片 是最昂貴的,但是《Home Alone》和《Love Actually》的觀看價錢比最新猛片還要高,我就明白賀歲、聖誕片的appeal,無論劇情有多斧鑿痕跡,為做戲而做戲,但是聰明的導演都用上感人的 音樂和情節,而往往令到這些片段成為經典。
早幾年我還會在心情到之時重看經典,但時間越來越不敷應用,就只想看那兩三分鐘的精彩,明明有DVD在抽屜,但上youTube更快哦!上星期看 《Chalet Girl》 (因忍不到1月才看到新一集《Gossip Girl》,Chuck Bass生死未卜),除了Ed Westwick (Chuck Bass)好看,全體演員都好,snow boarding也吸引,但我個人喜好是做爸爸媽媽的Bill Nighy和Brooke Shields,兩個人都深黯camp之道。

Bill Nighy在《Love Actually》飾演的Billy Mack甚經典,逢聖誕會想看看他在電影頭段在錄音室錄聖誕歌的惹笑演出,將不同英國過氣搖滾rock star的典型特色融合為一,英國人的幽默、後現代的kitsch和聖誕的氣氛融合一為一,甚有娛樂性。

Christmas是傳說中耶穌的誕生,不少精神領袖都說,2012是基督精神的culmination,有人稱信眾為The Jesus Generation,而耶穌在印度的各種事蹟,在威權多年打壓之下,依然不斷的被公開和接受。上個月我到尼泊爾之旅,跟我們同行的Ascended Master,就是Jesus Sanada的拍檔Mary Magdalene。

在宗教的威權記載,她的貢獻和存在並不顯著,我對她的認識亦相當有限。無獨有偶,在尼泊爾行之前,我在羅馬的Villa Borghese看到兩幅油畫,都將Mary Magdalene放在一個甚為顯眼的位置,怎知道在尼泊爾第一個早上,我的兩位領隊說,Mary Magdalene是成行的遠因近果,看護和引領我們融入Christ Consciousness,然後Sandra started to channel,我嘗試用筆記下:

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene

“Same flame of Jesus.
Female Christ Consciousness.
Trained early age, separate from parents, brought up by highest teachers. Receiving direct info/ teaching from above.
Intergalactic, very connected.
In her times, she’s been in India, Egypt, Kashmir, Himalayans…where you are today.
Prepared to assist Master Jesus to achieve his goals on this earth.
Most important: HE WAS NOT ALONE.
He was the chosen one, he knew what he came to do here. A team that will assist him to anchor the Christ Consciousness which does not exist before his time.
Magdalene agreed.
She’s High Priestess, a refine healer, very wise. Christianity tried to erase her face &her work.
It was a cooperation, a team work……
They did not die for our sins. They came to see the true love and enlightenment in human hearts and succeeded.
Your planet might not express it when you read the newspaper, but you knew all along, there is much more to life.
You are right, more you are open, more will be given to you.
As you walk through this land, feel the vibration of the earth beneath your feet. Ask your cellular memory to activate it and remember while you are walking, sleeping, eating in this land ( energies of the ley lines)
It will magnify every fact, intent, desire 400 times. So watch your thoughts.
Focus in your higher being.
Alertness, Awakening, Awareness”

對於所有新的資訊和信息,我都抱著開放的態度;尤其是在聖誕這些時候,我們應該有的,不是購物狂歡,而是要更加anchor我們的Christ Consciousness(如果有的話),基督的意識就是compassion,將人類的frequency提升到一個包容、合一、和諧大愛的境界,沒有誰是主人誰是奴隸,某層次上我們都是soul brothers和sisters,我常常覺得John Lennon的情懷很有這種基督的精神,這是一個我很喜歡的《Merry X’mas (War is over)》版本,雖然沒有完整的連儂歌聲,但是將歌詞打出來,在這個假日的空檔裡,讓我們反思一下。

A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear